I'm So Busy!
By: Bushra AlMansour
These days, everyone seems to be running around claiming to be too busy. It is said in many ways but sends the same message:
“I’m more in demand, my time is more valuable, I’m more productive and successful”.
Surely, being busy has become a sign of prestige and something that people brag about.
I can’t help but think of it as a boast disguised as a complaint. For when someone is regularly using the phrase ‘I’m so busy’, they’re fueling the egocentric belief that “I’m busy = I’m important”. They try to place the focus on themselves and invite the attention and recognition of others.
Busyness could also function as a bit of laziness, as some people say ‘I’m busy’ because it is easier than saying ‘no’. It becomes a convenient excuse and allows people to avoid certain circumstances, commitments or common courtesy. On a personal note, I think it gives people means of justifying their self-importance.
Busyness isn’t remarkable nor being tired is a badge of honor!
If someone continually says they're busy all the time, it could signal their inability to manage time or balance tasks. As entrepreneur Jason Fried writes in his book, ReWork:
“Workaholics aren’t heroes. They don’t save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is already home because she figured out a faster way to get things done.”
I, too, am very busy, just like everyone else. I work full time, take care of a toddler and study for a professional certificate while being in the process of moving in to a new house. Have I mentioned that I’m also learning a new language? I need to set reminders on my phone to do the simplest things sometimes such as withdraw cash or bring my son’s swimsuit to class. Yet, I try not to say ‘I’m too busy’ to an opportunity, like writing articles for my company’s newsletter for instance.
There are only few things in life we actually “have to” do. Everyone can find a reason why they’re so busy, when it is really a matter of choice. People should quit complaining about how much is on their plate as if they were victims and start taking personal responsibility for their circumstances.
I'll end here, as I have other responsibilities to attend to. Thank you for taking the time to read this, as I know, you’re so busy!
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